Friday, January 29, 2010

Shared: 'Dancing With the Stars' Co-Host Leaving Show : TVBizwire : TVWeek - Television Industry news, TV ratings, analysis, celebrity event photos

Seriously? This gig is that hard? And your duties are that demanding at Insider? I bet Kelly Ripa takes her spot.
'Dancing With the Stars' Co-Host Leaving Show : TVBizwire : TVWeek - Television Industry news, TV ratings, analysis, celebrity event photos:

ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars” is losing one of its co-hosts, reports.

The popular show is currently hosted by two people, Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris.

It's Harris who is leaving.

She said she’s leaving because she needs to concentrate on her correspondent job at “The Insider.”

Thursday, January 28, 2010

2 Takes on Pork Chops for Quick Eats after Work

Feeling the need to cook more at home, I tried two takes on pork chops the past two nights. Both recipes are quick solutions to make a decently healthy dinner after work.

Round 1: Pork chops with mushrooms, red onion, broccoli and garlic.
Time: 30-40 minutes.

Shared: 43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life

The first few are nearly impossible, but worthwhile goals.
43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life:
"Reducing complexity in my life has reduced stress, increased free time, and top priorities are actually top priorities. When we simplify as much as we can we are better able to slow down and enjoy each moment as opposed to rushing through it."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shared: McDonald's 'wrong' to fire worker over cheese slice - Telegraph

If anything this person should have been promoted. While the person lucked out in the end after the judgment, it's a bit sad that 5 months wages amounted to £3,660 ($5k).
McDonald's 'wrong' to fire worker over cheese slice - Telegraph: "A McDonald's restaurant was wrong to fire a worker for giving a colleague an extra piece of cheese on a hamburger, a Dutch court ruled on Tuesday."

Shared: School Outlaws "Sexual Bending" - January 26, 2010

I wonder if they had a demonstration...
School Outlaws "Sexual Bending" - January 26, 2010:
JANUARY 26--Like many educators nationwide, administrators at a Wisconsin high school are aiming to curb risque moves at an upcoming school dance.
Best part: "Which appears to rule out performances of the Charleston, Electric Slide, and Cha-Cha."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shared: Alexander the Great's ring stolen from theft show

Are you telling me they didn't see this coming?

Alexander the Great's ring stolen from theft show
| Reuters
"Burglars on Wednesday broke into the Ashdod Museum where hundreds of artifacts recovered from the black-market were on show and snatched several valuable items, including a silver ring belonging to Alexander the Great and gold earrings."

Human "bed-warmers" at Holiday Inn

How much if the person stays in the bed?
Human "bed-warmers" at Holiday Inn: "LONDON (Reuters) - International hotel chain Holiday Inn is offering a trial human bed-warming service at three hotels in Britain this month.